Massacre's Random Gaming Wiki

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  1. Massacre & Cycocidal are closet homosexual Neo Nazi lovers! Is this the reason behind Pyros raging alcoholism? Find out more at 11!
  2. CYCOCIDALS STEAMY FLING WITH THE LOCH NESS MONSTER! See the pictures HE doesnt want YOU to see! PYRO IS THE MASTERMIND BEHIND AFRICAS EBOLA OUTBREAK! Details on her plans on starting a Pharmaceutical company funded by Capcom!
  3. MASSACRE RAISED BY FAMILY OF BIGFOOT DISGUISED AS TRAVELING CARNIES! See how it affected his hygiene! CYCOCIDAL IS A ROBOT! Created by Putin to spy on the youth of Russia!
  4. MASSACRE ABDUCTED AND PROBED BY ALIENS! Says a race of Spider Walken from planet X probed him with Dildo Spear! CYCOCIDAL VENTURES INTO GAY FASHION! His take on Shoes, Scarves and Assless chaps!